Fig 3 - ReactiveMovingObjects-OBJSINSPACETIME


Each SAGOE SuperObject is constructed using a standard object model (storage structure). The structure starts with an identifier property, referred to as the Object's AlternateID's (Alt-IDs), which include an Object's Primary-Name and its Aliases. It is required to have at least an assigned Primary-Name; and optionally any number of assigned Aliases with Alias-Types like Titles, Abbreviations, Shortcuts, Tags, Codes, etc. In addition, when an Object is created, SAGOE automatically assigns a unique access code called the SystemID (SysID) to the Object, primarily for internal use. After that everything else in the object storage structure are the Object's Properties (MiscData).

These come in mainly four flavors:
  1. FORMALLY OBSERVED VALUES LIBRARY: (view figure 5 MEASUREMENTS OVERVIEW) The local Object Library of Formally Observed Values are best thought of as Measured Data. These are often taken by scientific personnel, but also include measurements by anyone. When scientific observations are taken of any Object in the Universe the process typically includes the use of instruments. Often the instruments are deployed in Observer Sets that take Simultaneous Observations of the same Object using different kinds of instruments. Such scientific data collections are often done in teams. Each instrument then generates a series of Observations over time, observed by a specified Instrument and Team; where each Observation is recorded, as a Named Value with Measurement Units possessing a Measured Statistical Uncertainty, over a Measured SuperTime Interval, and at a Measured SuperSpace Location; plus any other custom "Meta-Data" that a Team may wish to store. There can be alternate teams measuring the same Object at the same time or at different times. Each of these team efforts can be contained in Alternate Observer Sets for the same Object. For example observations of the Sun. Teams will deploy various instruments like Inferometers, Telescopes, Cameras, and Spectrophotometers. These can be used simultaneously or at different times during the Lifetime of the Sun. SAGOE is designed to capture in its standard object structure all of these various Alternate Observations and organize them by Scientific Teams, Instruments used, and Recording Time Periods and Locations. The purpose of all this information about one Object over its Lifetime is to both allow choice by individual SAGOE users as to how the Object appears by selecting which Observations are used to construct it; or to allow various selected Observations to be compared to Simulated versions of the Object to evaluate the accuracy of the Object's Simulation. When these Measured Observations are done by non-Scientific individuals, then some of the above data will not be available, which is fine, because SAGOE treats all of it as optional information. But the less the information about a set of measurements, the greater the net estimated Uncertainty about them must be.

  2. NOT FORMALLY OBSERVED VALUES LIBRARY: The local Object Library of Informally Observed Values are best thought of as miscellaneous items that include things like speculatory object properties (what God is the Sun), or system data (like security settings).

  3. REACTIONS LIBRARY: The local Object Library of Reactions are a special case of Object Properties, which are only explained in summary fashion here. Reactions are specified as a "trigger" Pattern that an Object detects in its immediate SpaceUnit environment, during one TimeStep of the Simulator, when it's running. If this trigger is detected, then the Object excutes a custom series of changes to itself, its environment, or the SAGOE simulator itself; if the Object has the appropriate security privileges to do so. These changes are specified using a special psuedo-command language called the Universe Programming Language (UPL). Object reactions are often mathematically based on its formal and informal observations, yielding equations fitted to the observed data, consisting of one or more input variables that produce a single output value with a statistical degreee of uncertainty. In this case the input and output variables are Properties that exist in the immediate SpaceUnit environment, where an equation's input Properties current Values predict a change to the output Property's current Value. But Reactions do not have to be mathematical equations. They can be any response to a given existing pattern. For example, if the color red exists, then change it to blue. Note that all types of Reactions emulate a Stimulus/Response metaphor, as described in the SAGOE Perception Theory sections.

  4. CURRENT STATE: The local Object Set of Current State Values represent the current "Appearance" of an Object, if you will. They can be both "standard" or "custom" in nature. Standard Values are mostly Physical things like Temperature, Color, Mass, Shape, Vector Velocity, etc; predicted using formally observed Properties and Reactions, which SAGOE can optionally track as a matter of course; always keyed to a given SuperLocation and SuperTime. Custom Values are those which a User adds to the list of standard Values and provides a custom means of tracking them. The Current State Values can be either Historical or Future based or both. The difference is that Historical Values were formally or informally Observed in the Past, or Simulated (Predicted) for the Past; while Future Values are always Simulated (Predicted). The current Appearance of an Object can be "assigned" using any segments of its Libraries of formally or informally Observed Values, or using any parts of its Library of Reactions. SAGOE is designed to be very flexible in this regard. The Current State of an Object changes over a range of SuperTimes, an Interval, called its "Lifespan". The Lifespan of an Object is a very important concept in SAGOE that is tracked and displayed in special ways. Finally SAGOE also carefully tracks all Properties as having either the Thermodynamic quality of being intensive or extensive, which modality can be useful to predict various behaviors of entire systems of Objects or a single Object's internal constituents. Physical properties of materials and systems can often be categorized as being either intensive or extensive, according to how the property changes when the size (or extent) of the system changes. According to IUPAC, an intensive quantity is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system whereas an extensive quantity is one whose magnitude is additive for subsystems. This reflects the corresponding mathematical ideas of mean and measure, respectively. An intensive property is a bulk property, meaning that it is a local physical property of a system that does not depend on the system size or the amount of material in the system. Examples of intensive properties include temperature, T; refractive index, n; density, ρ; and hardness of an object, η. In hardness, when a diamond is cut, the pieces maintain their intrinsic hardness, so hardness is independent of the size of the system while the size, number or total area of the diamond pieces is not. By contrast, an extensive property is additive for subsystems. This means the system could be divided into any number of subsystems, and the extensive property measured for each subsystem; the value of the property for the system would be the sum of the property for each subsystem. For example, both the mass, m, and the volume, V, of a diamond are directly proportional to the amount that is left after cutting it from the raw mineral.

Note that the above is a very simplified version of the SAOE SuperObject structure. There is an immense amount of additional detail that will be specified in subsequent discussions.

Last Updated by Greg Colello on December 31, 2018.