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.Natural World Perception. (The general case of Universal Perception, which any Natural Object can have with any other.)
A generalized phenomenon, referred to herein as "Perception", can be usefully defined as being applicable to all entites in the Natural Universe.
For the purposes of a generalized Computer Simulator of the entire Universe, which SAGOE is intended to be an example of, it became obvious during early design attempts that processes like "Perception" had to have clear internal definitions; else the entire Architecture of SAGOE would be impossible to use in certain Simulation contexts, particularly those involving Simulated Human "Civilizations".
Normally "Perception" is defined by Psychological practitioners, to whose discipline the term most clearly applies, as a process that only occurs in the "Higher Forms" of "Animate (Life)". Under this definition Perception essentially means the "Detection" of some entity or action in a Higher Life Form's environment, which then typically results in a "Retrievable" (accessible) "Memory" being formed of the Detected entity or action. Subsequently "Recognition" of the exact same or a similar "Pattern" can occur, when encountered again, and compared to the existing Memory. In Humans Memories are further defined as being Retrievable at any time as part of the "Thinking" process. It cannot be proven conclusively whether this exact phenonmenon occurs in other Higher Life Forms; but it is accepted that they can at least form Memories and subsequently compare their Memories to things they encounter.
Using these definitions, Perception is commonly considered either simply the Detection process, or more complexly the Recognition process. Some would go further in Humans and include the Thinking process. In all cases Higher Life Forms will have some "Response" to their Perceptions. Finally the entity or action that is Detected is said to be a "Stimulus". The entire process from beginning to end is termed a "Stimulus-Response Pairing", or "Stimulus-Response Chain" of internal events. Commonly Perception is considered to be more connected with the Stimulus side of the Pairing or Chain.
For the generalized purposes of SAGOE, the above Higher Life Form definition of Perception proved to be too narrow. For one thing it was never going to be clear where to draw the line as to which entities were capable of Perceptions, and which were not. In fact, upon closer examinination, all of the above definitions (Stimulus, Detection, Memory, Recognition, Thinking, Perception, Response) were found to be vague as to what they referred to or what their applicable limits were. It's all semantics, as the saying goes.
First, it is clear that ANYTHING in the Universe can act as a Stimulus. Second, it is clear that EVERYTHING in the Universe exhibits Responses to Stimuli in the form of "Reactions". Third, in order to produce its final net Reaction, an entity must first Detect the initiating Stimulus. Fourth, the Detection step itself can easily be seen to be a Reaction. Fifth, the formation of a Memory, its Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, and Thinking can all be seen as processes involving Reactions; albeit whose mechanisms are only partially determined at present. Hence, the entire panoply of events can be seen to be a collection of "Reaction Chains"; where for each Chain the Response from one step becomes the Stimulus for the next.
In this scenario the sense of what is meant by Perception becomes blurred. Nonetheless, it is clear that the Perception of any entity can only occur if the Perceived entity changes the Perceiving entity by one or more "Reactions" with it, which in short means:
Any Perception Event Requires A Corresponding Reaction Event Within The Perceiving Entity.
Further, Natural Perceptions by a Perceiver is the Natural result of the Natural "Expressions" emanated by a Perceived entity, an Expression of its "Self" so to speak; which is due mechanistically to one or more of its inherently possesed "Properties", impinging upon the Perceiving entity. In short this means:
The Self Expression Of One Entity's Properties Becomes The Stimulii For Its Perception By Another Entity.
Further, it is worth noting that in order for any Reaction to occur some aspect of a Perceived entity must occupy the same Space and Time instant as the Perceiver entity within the "Tolerance Limits" required by the Universe's own inherent Space and Time "Granularity"; where Granularity refers to a limiting aspect, that controls the "Resolution" of a Perception. For example the Human eye cannot Resolve certain Stars in the sky without the aid of a telescope. The limiting aspect in this example is the number of Light Photons that hit the eye's retina. A telescope concentrates the Light from a Star, using lenses or mirrors, so that more than the minimum number of Photons required to Resolve an entity from its background hit the retina.
The concepts of Tolerance Limits, Granularity, and Resolution are critical to the Architecture of SAGOE; since it designed to create Simulations at any individual "Scale" of the Universe, while also allowing different Scales to operate seamlessly together, as an aggregate system.
Typically any Simulation of Reality is built to Represent the Simulation's "Problem Space" on the Computer by creating an appropriately-sized "Grid" or "Mesh" that subsumes its Spatial Scale (for example 1 Cubic Kilometer, km3, of Volume), and then subdivides it into smaller Units (for example into sub-Volumes 1 Cubic Meter, m3, in Size ). In addition an appropriate Time Scale (for example 1 Year, yr) is chosen for the same Problem Space, and it is subdivided into smaller appropiately-sized "Timesteps" (for example 1 Hour, hr), which is the tick of the clock for a running Simulation. These concepts are endemic or implicit to most Computer Simulations regardless of how they are Programmed.
To make all this clearer, I will explore the various Scales of the Universe and its base Granularity, as informed by current Science. In addition I will introduce the "Grid-Scale" Simulation topic.
The best illustration of the various Length Scales of the Universe, that I have encountered to date, has been posted by Pablo Carlos Budassi on this Wikipedia webpage Orders of magnitude (length) (Zoomable Figure Only). Unfortunately the associated Figure was draw counterintuitively with the smallest Scale on top; showing (Quantum Foam) at the top, and the largest Scale (the entire Universe) at the bottom. The Figure is illustrating various choosen Scales, using a typical object at each "order of magnitude", as if it exists in a layer. (I copied the following text from its Figure legend, which I edited a bit to better serve the purposes here, and express the given Length Scales uniformily in meters, m; both as digits and as corresponding exponents of 10. Note, that some Scales are skipped):
Human World Perception. (The special case of Natural World Perception reported by Humans, which can also be Enhanced by Devices.)
When discussing the special case of Natural World Perception that Humans enjoy; the topics of "Memory", "Recall", "Recognition", "Learning", "Thought", "Consciousness", "Cognition", "Documentation", and "Measurement" arise. These are discussed and represented symbolically as follows:
Although it is possible to ascribe many of these qualities to other organisms, Humans are uniquely aware of these gifts, and use them to great advantage (or disaster). In particular it is readily evident to all that Humans have conceived, constructed, utilized, spread, and bequeathed tool-making "Technology" over the Ages to a far greater extent than any other living species on Earth. While these tools have most frequently been used to remediate inconvenient or dangerous living conditions, they have also been used to extend the range of Human Sensory Perception.
In particular, during the last 500 years, Scientific Guilds have used tools in the form of "Instruments" or "Devices", to make Measurements with ever greater Precision, and use them to construct Theories and Laws of Universe Behavior. This process in turn has lead to an acceleration of tool-making at an ever-increasing pace, as one discovery leads to another. The proliferation of this cycle throughout the civilizations of the World has resulted in an exponential "Technological Growth Curve", whose unregulated outcomes are leading to wide-spread reduction in the number of Species, and ultimately even the destruction of most Life on Earth (including Humans).
For example there are currently at least ten well-known possible sources of annihilation, where any one could do the job, but they all appear to be working happily together (Climate Change, Nuclear Holocaust, Perpetual Conventional Warfare/Genocide, Biotechnology, Ecosystem Collapses, Pandemics & Chronic Diseases, Medical System Failures, Economic/Governmental Anarchies, Nanotechnology, and AI/Robotics); not to mention a couple of pending Natural ones (Asteroid Impact and Super Volcano), which could, but might not be addressed, due to Global Human lack of cooperation. The problem may not be Technology itself; but Humans inability to monitor it, reliably predict its negative side-effects, and quickly obtain universal agreement on its control through concensus.
Hence, my belief in the need for a Computer Simulation Architecture that can be in the hands of all persons to monitor, predict, and direct Technology.
Network World Perception. (The very special case of Natural World Perception created by Humans, which includes all the Digital Devices on Earth, and all the Communications Networks connecting them together. Further, within each Digital Device is a "mini-Network Bus" connecting all its components (typically semi-conductor chips) to each other; and within each Digital Device component is a "micro-Network Bus" connecting all of its internal sub-systems together. This special case of Perception can be represented by a Signal Model that has Transmission and Reception as its functional foundations.)
Objects Exist. (An intrinsic aspect of Human Perception is that the Universe is filled with observable entities, that can generically be referred to as Objects. Objects appear to be of different Types on the basis of their various observable Properties that directly affect our senses. The most obvious Properties of Objects are their 3D aspects, which can be verified by the common experiences that Objects of any Type can be brought into immediate proximity of each other and compared side-by-side and rotated; easily revealing their different Shapes, Sizes, Skin Textures, Phase States, and Hardnesses. Representation of Object Shape, Size, and Texture Properties have been perfected on today's Computers, which can deliver Native 3D Polygonal Graphics. However, Object Phase State and Hardness Properties do not have Native Computer Representations, and so have to be Simulated using custom Computer Programming Language Algorithms, as is the same for most Physical Object Properties).
The Judgement Of Existence Or Non-Existence Of A Potentially Observed Object Is Relative To Each Individual Observing Object's Own Perceptual Experience. (An intrinsic aspect of Human Perception is the judgement that Objects in the Universe Exist or do not Exist at a particular time and location. The Perceptual judgement of Existence, or Non-Existence, can never be considered as absolute, only temporary or assumed; since what is now Perceived, or not Perceived, may become un-Perceptible, or Perceptible, in the future. For example take the historical case judging the existence of Atoms, which was not judged true in the Middle Ages, but is judged true now; or the case judging the existence of Witches, which was judged true in the Middle Ages, but is not judged true now.)
Objects Move. (by observation of their relative Location changes).
Space Exists. (An intrinsic aspect of Human Perception is that all observed entities have relative size. based on the observation of Objects Volume and Motion, there must be something for them to exist in).
Time Exists. (by observation of sequential changes in Object Locations within the Universe, termed History).
Objects React. (by observation of their Structural and Motion transformations, when coming in "contact" with each other).
Objects Are Composed Of Sub-Objects. (by observation of their various Reaction consequences).
Sub-Objects Have Their Own Motions and Reactions. (a logical corollary conjecture of how the Universe appears to work in general).
Sub-Objects Net Aggregate Actions Produce Consequent "Emergent" Properties, That We Perceive As Their Parent Object's Presentation. (a logical corollary of the nature of Sub-Objects).
Objects Appear To Come In Two Special "Classes".
Matter Objects Appear To Be Held Together And Impelled By Their Possession Of Energy Objects. (From this viewpoint Energy Objects generally have been held to have no observable form; although this formless appearance is partly a consequence of historical observations and measurements, which used instruments unable to visualize, but instead inferred the presence of Energy.)
Some Energy Objects Can Be Observed Directly In Free Space Apparently Possessing Form. (for example Light).
More Often Than Not In Nature Objects Of A Non-Identical Type Appear In Mixed Groups And Move Together, As A Spatial Distribution, Termed Herein As "Heterogeneous Flux". (for example an Ocean or a Light Beam).
Objects Of An Identical Type Can Also Appear In Groups And Move Together, Usually A Result Of Human Purification Processes, As A Spatial Distribution, Termed Herein As "Homogeneous Flux". (for example a Filtered Water Flow or a Prism's Red Light Beam Fraction).
Objects Of All Types Appear In Special Forms Called "Phase States", That Are A Direct Consequence Of The Environmental Context That The Objects Exist In. (typically Solid, Liquid, or Gas).
IMAGES. (Images are probably the earliest form of modeling what Humans Perceived in their world. Whether scratched into the dirt, etched into a rock, painted on a wall, drawn on parchment, or even molded into a figurine; early images reflected scenes of what Humans saw around them, and cared deeply about; often that was game animals being hunted. Early use of this technique was therefore functionally like a modern camera or photocopier. The techniques for making these Images were also handed down from generation to generation, thus preserving and perfecting the technology; and likely making it popular too. Image technology has been perfected on today's Computers into the Science of Editable Graphics. As a functional requirement, SAGOE must use the Java Computer Language to provide Graphics Editing in a generalized manner through a GUI, so that a User can Create and Edit Images for any purpose.)
SYMBOLS. (Once the technique of making Images was perfected, Images started to be used to convey Pictures that Humans created in their own minds from more extradinary sources than game animal scenes. Such special Images are called Symbols. A Symbol is an Image that has a special meaning. A Symbol, like any Image can be Scaled or Distorted, as long as the reference is still clear. The earliest Symbols reflected Shamanistic rituals or other religious connotations. For example the Rock Art that can be seen throughout the Southwestern USA often depicts engaging Images of Shaman with lightening coursing through their bodies, wearing some kind of weird headress, and holding power implements. These Images are Symbols, because they held special meaning to their viewers. The main development that occurred over time was that each Symbolic Image was sacred for a particular meaning, thus preserving it as a special Image. This I believe lead naturally to later generations adopting the concept of a standard Symbol to convey a standard meaning, like an Alphabet Letter. Symbol technology has been perfected on today's Computers into various Data Standards in which each Symbol is represented by a unique Bit string. As a functional requirement, SAGOE must use the Java Computer Language in a generalized manner through a GUI to allow the "conversion" of any User-Created custom Image into a SAGOE-recognized Symbol for use in any context where a Java built-in Symbol would be usable.)
TEXT. (Once the technique of producing standard Symbols was perfected, and spoken language was common place, I suspect it lead naturally to the development of Symbols that represented an entire spoken word. I suspect such Symbols may have been more cross-culturally understandable than the various dialects and languages that were spoken; therefore such Symbols would be a powerful technology to expand, like a universal Sign Language. In any case eventually Alphabets were created. These were composed of individual Letter Symbols, each of which stood for a sound, that could then be combined in groups to form Words, such that when its Letters were pronounced, it sounded like a spoken Word in given language. Text technology has been perfected on today's Computers into various Data Standards in which each Letter Symbol of an Alphabet is represented by a unique Bit string Code, called a Character. These standard Codes are widely incorporated into special Data Entry Devices called Keyboards, that automatically reproduce the Code, and send it to an attached Computer, whenever the corresponding Key is pressed by a User. The same Codes can easily be produced by a Computer Program that effectively acts like a User Proxy. These received Codes then cause their corresponding Letters to appear on standard Display Devices, which are also attached to the Computer. In addition the Letter Symbols can be displayed in a variety of malleable, but still recognizable forms, organized into a standard set of Graphic Glyphs called a Font, whose output is controlled through the specification of standard options by a User. Finally through the use of special User Edit/Display modes, entire Documents can be created by the Entry of any number of Text Symbols along with other special Document formatting Characters and options. As a functional requirement, SAGOE must use the Java Computer Language in a generalized manner through a GUI to allow the "conversion" of any User-Created custom Symbols into SAGOE-recognized Text Symbols for use in any context where a Java built-in Symbol would be usable. [Developer's Note: Originally I believed that UNICODE would fulfill all of SAGOE's Text Symbol requirements, since UNICODE's stated purpose was to include all Text Symbols on the planet into one standard, and as as anyone even glancing at the standard can see, in fact it appears every Asian character ever used is part of the UNICODE set; but then I realized for some inexplicable reason the UNICODE foundation refused to include most of the Scientific Units Symbols, incorporating only a very basic set. This impoverishment would be a devasting blow for a generalized simulation system like SAGOE to depend upon, so SAGOE is forced to provide its own Text Symbol Table. This Table must incorporate both SAGOE custom-created Symbols and Java built-in Symbols, including any UNICODE ones.])
DIGITS. (During the time that standard Alphabet Symbols were being perfected, there was a concomminent need to have standard Symbols to enumerate Count. The full concept of Count is developed below, but the history of Count Symbols will be discussed here. There have been a large number of Counting Systems used throughout history. Each one had its own set of Symbols that represented Digits. For example the Roman Numeral System, which used Digit Symbols like 'I'=1, 'V'=5, 'X'=10, 'L'=50, 'C'=100, and so on. Regardless of the Counting System, its Digits are intercombined to encode Integer Count into some form of shorthand representation, which is always an encoded conversion of simple "Ones Count" (Tally Count, Unary Count, Base1); such that every Integer Count Total from (0-n), where n is the desired maximum Count, is represented without any interruptions. In modern times the only Count System typically used for daily life is the Decimal System (Base10, Digits 0-9). Decimal Digit technology has been perfected on today's Computers; such that along with the standard Alphabet Characters every Font includes special Digit Symbols, typically 0-9. These Digits are intercombined to produce Identifiers and Numeric Count, both of which are discussed below. Finally Numeric Bases of a higher degree than 10, like Hexadecimal (Base16) often used on computers, require extra Digit Symbols, but the extra Symbols required are typically taken from the Alphabet, specifically 'A'=10, 'B'=11, 'C'=12, 'D'=13, 'E'=14, and 'F'=15.)
Units. ().
Count. ().
Statistics. ().
Measurements. ().
CATEGORY-IDENTIFIER. A Category's Primary-Name, and its Aliases, are its Identifiers. It is required to have at least an assigned Primary-Name; and optionally any number of assigned Aliases with Alias-Types like Titles, Abbreviations, Shortcuts, Tags, Codes, etc.
INSTANCE-PATTERN. A Category's Pattern is a required Attribute, that functions as a format specification for any Perceived or Created Instances of the Category. A Category's Pattern is like a Template, in which certain Terminal-Values are left open to assignment within a certain range of uncertainty. In its most primitive form this Template specifies a simple computer Data-Type. In its most complex form this Template specifies a Physical Object with any number of Properties.
IMAGE. When a Category's Template has fully assigned Terminal-Values then it is called an Image, where an Image has no further Variability. A Category itself can be an Image, which means all its Instances will be identical to it.
INSTANCE-IDENTIFIERS. A special required part of a every "Parent" Category, is to specifiy the Names of its "Child" Instances, or specify a special Pattern that controls the production of those Names. This is because every Instance of a Category must have their own Identifiers, which are also known as their Primary-Names. A Category-Instance can also have any number of optionally-assigned Aliases. In this way every Category-Instance has an Identification-Attribute that it "inherits" from its Parent Category.
SUB-DIVISIONS. A Category can have an indefinite number of Sub-Categories, and those Sub-Categories can have Sub-Categories, and so on. This "linked-list" forms a "Chain" or "Backbone" of nested Categories, that together prescribe further Pattern complexity, as each Category, and in turn its Sub-Categories, must be fulfilled with Category-Instances. Each "Child" Sub-Category functions like a Sub-Division of its "Parent" Category. This is how Humans Perceive the Universe; as being composed of arbitrary Divisions, which are composed of arbitrary Sub-Divisions, and so on.
FULFILLMENT. Note that a Category or Sub-Category must be fulfilled in its entirety at the time that an Instance of it is either Perceived or Created. However, the fulfillment of the individual Sub-Divisions in a "Chain" of Sub-Categories can be delayed. For example a Category might be "Corporate Headquarters", which only has one Instance, "Armstrong Inc". Sub-Categories of this might be "Corporate Divisions", where Instances of this could be "Europe", "Africa", or "USA".
UNITS. In this sense of being a Sub-Division, a Category is also a Unit, whose Pattern dictates Instances of the Unit. Note that the Parent Category ??? Units in turn imply Countable Instances of the Unit. Further, a Unit is also a Sub-Division of an Object, where a Property of that Object can be Measured (Counted, Quantified) in that Unit. Finally a Unit is also a Scale, where Instances of that Unit combine linearly into a sequentially aligned set creating a Measurement Ruler.
OBJECT TYPES, CLOSURE LAW - Objects appear to come in two special "classes" based on their motions, but nonetheless appear to be equivalent by dint of the Relativistic equation E = MC2:
MATTER OBJECTS (M) - That which is traveling at a Velocity (VM) less than the Speed of Light C (VM < VC), and possesses the Property of measurable Mass m (mM > 0).
ENERGY OBJECTS (E) - That which is traveling at a Velocity (VE) equal to the Speed of Light C (VE = VC), and possesses the Property of being Massless (mE = 0).
OBJECT REACTIONS, LOCAL CONSERVATION LAW - The grand total of Matter and Energy appears to be Conserved in Reactions. Historically speaking, experiments that measured both Matter and Energy were constructed, such that those measurements that were deemed representative of Energy, and those that were deemed representative of Matter, was mostly a case of experimental convenience; but the definitive result of all experiments was that Reacting Objects, and their subsequent Product Objects, always had measured grand totals of Matter and Energy, that were equal. This is interpreted to mean that all Reactions must result in the same totals of Matter and Energy for the Reactants and for their Products, although distributions of Matter and Energy can be different. This was historically called the "Law of the Conservation of Matter and Energy in Reactions". This law has been recently proven to be true, as long as one does Relativistic calculations of Matter and Energy. So, I restate this law for the purposes of computing to be the "Law of the Relativistic Conservation of Matter and Energy Objects in Reactions".
OBJECT REACTIONS, UNIVERSE CONSERVATION CONJECTURE - The grand total of Relativistic Matter and Energy Objects appears to be Conserved, not just in individual Reactions, but in the entire observed Unverse. This is a conjecture that can be inferred from LAW2 and other observations. This means that the Relativistic totals of individual Matter Objects and indivual Energy Objects can be different (partioned differently), but their grand totals must always be a constant. This assumes that there is no addition or loss of Matter or Energy objects to or from the existing Universe, meaning nothing comes from or goes into the void of SpaceTime. At this point in history there is no sure way to measure this everywhere, except locally where it is deemed to be true, so it is a working assumption until proved otherwise.